I have nothing much to say here... I'll let the pictures do the talkings... I have never seen the skies any bluer than this... maybe you guys did. but not for me... hihi
This kind of moments are normal to those who are living in KL. But not to those who are living in other states or from other countries to make it further. Last 2 weeks i was in my office doing the unfinishable works of mine. I was very tensed and bored... Then i decided to grab my camera bag and off i go to KLCC's park. i arrived at the park around 5.50pm. The sun shines perfectly that day, giving me a yellowish + blueish sky tone which is perfect for my photography session... Subhanallah... Here's some of many pictures that i have captured... let's take a look... ;)
Nature is always the best way to relax yourselves from the pressures and stresses that comes from your work and everyday life. It's one of the best gift that world has ever received from Allah. Sadly that most of us didn't realize and don't know how to appreciate this gift. Instead... they cut it down unnecessarily just to fulfill their selfish dreams and their earth destructing achievements. I'm sure that our earth will not last any longer from now. Cuz the signs of destruction is shown everyday everywhere in the world such as the floods, the landslides, tsunamis and many more... And we all know that all of this happens because of those who's selfishly unconcerned. Whatever it is... let's try to enjoy the gift that Allah S.W.T had given us to share while we still have the time...
Today i was shocked with the news saying that Michael Jackson is dead due to cardiac arrest in his rented home in Holmby Hills... He was announced dead at 2.23pm in UCLA Medical Center L.A. Jacko was my idol and inspirations to be a great entertainer and singer since i was in kindergarten... I always wanted to be as good as him whenever i'm on or off the stage. It is rare for the world to receive such a precious gift... and now that he's gone... the gift could never be replaced. But in the sadness of my idol's death there's still some part that i find it relieving and happy knowing that he died as a Muslim... He have made a right decision to be part of the Muslim brothers... Alhamdulillah. May Allah S.W.T place you among the good peoples and May Allah Be with you Michael... We shall raise your name upon our prayers. InshaAllah... We're going to miss you Michael... He was a living Legend, Still a Legend and will always be a Legend... Al-Fatihah...
Well i'm sure almost all of us knows where and when did this happen. Only some of us will remember and take this as a reminder from Allah S.W.T... but most of the peoples nowadays took this for granted especially those who was not involved. I still see new houses coming up in bukit antarabangsa right after this tragedy forgotten. It's impressive to see how some people could let this kind of tragedy slipped out their minds easily. what more impressive is that this tragedy took place in somewhere late december 08... it's not even a year! hehe... Now i could see more and more buildings and houses coming up from sloppy areas... When will they actually learn?
As you can see... this is my little cousin... Sharifah Nur Amelia. It is obvious that she loves photography so much... hehe. Funny my aunty(her mother) told me that she find it quite hard to capture her photographs... since she will turn her face to somewhere else but not at the camera everytime her mother tried to photograph her... hehe. Amazingly that she didn't mind me photographing her... hahaha... That's why i took this chance to ask her to give me some pose for me to capture her photos while shes still in the mood... hahah... Whatever it is, this girl is so adorable to the family... it is sad to know that she's growing up so fast. Wish that she could remain as a cute little girl always... hehe... But growing up is part and path of life that everyone will go through... May Allah S.W.T make this little girl a grown up that obeys to her parents and to Allah S.W.T... InshaAllah... ;)
This pictures were taken in the aircraft last week on 30th may 09 when me and my wife went back to alor star for our cousin Mukhriz's wedding... It is usual for anyone who flies 35000 feet would have the same impression when they look at the scenery from high above... It's authentically beautiful... The weather was fair and some cumulus and stratus cloud formations making it such a beautiful day... On one of the pictures you could clearly see the south and up to north of penang island... on the south you could see the Bayan Lepas International Airport and on the North you could see Batu Feringghi Beach with lots of hotels and resorts for that place is one of the main tourism spots in Penang... For those who is Kedahrians... I'm sure you could spot some of Kuala Kedah and Alor Star in one of the pictures... :)
Last Wednesday 27th May 2009 me and my cousin went to the Highland Tower in Hulu Kelang. It's like it has only been a few months back when i last visit my friend and the family there in tower 1 which it was still standing 16 years ago. It was somewhere in late november 1993 and it was holiday season. The parents came and pick me up at my previous house in Jalan Gurney and brought me to their place in Highland Tower... It was such a beautiful memory back then... me and my friend find it hard to sleep because we were too excited since that was the first time i hang out in his place. There were so many toys to play, so many games to try and so many things to talk about. We did not want to waste our time since we only got 2 days to hang out together before i have to go back to my place. We went for swimming, jungle tracking... we didn't actually go to the jungle... But imagining as if we were in one... it was fun and exiting... 2 days of hang out time has expired... i was not ready and it was such a hard moment for me to go home... since we still have so many games to play... But, owh well... "Perhaps we just keep it for next visit then?" i told my friend... both of us shooked our hands before i'm off to my shelter. Apparently that was the last handshake that both of us will ever have... 2 weeks after my visit which was on the 11th december 1993... around lunch time. suddenly there was an emergency news broadcast saying that tower 1 of Highland Tower has collapsed. I was speechless... Not even a single word could come out from my mouth... Suddenly a flashback of me and my friend plays in my head. I was too sad, too sad that i couldn't even cry... "how am i suppose to keep my promises? we promised to play more games at next visit... I just bought a new board game for us to play on my next visit"... my own voice talking inside my head... it was really hard for me to accept the fact. I know that i will never ever see my friend again. But as the years goes by... I learn the fact that there's no point for me to keep on feeling sad and i learn myself to let it go and have to move on. I could still remember the tone of his voice calling for me up till today. And everytime i visit this place... i just wish that tower 1 is still standing... I could still see myself and my friend playing jungle tracking there in Highland Towers till today... ;) Al-Fatihah...